Our congregation of the Lord's church is overseen by the elders (1 Tim. 3:1-6; Tit. 1:6-9).  These men were appointed as elders because they exemplify the characteristics that are found in God's Word.  Our elders work hard to make sure that we are following God's Word in all we do and also look after the members and our needs.  Elders are often called "shepherds" in the Bible because their work and duties are similar to the work of a shepherd over sheep.  Our elders make sure we are fed spiritually, stay healthy spiritually, and encourage us to stay together as the flock of God.

David Allen

Tony Allen

David Baker

Derward Bird

Mark Davidson

Dwight Davis

Jeff Hatcher

Steve Hatcher

Jim Henry

Mark Hunt

Freddie Johnston

Bryan Jurkofsky

John Kachelman III

Mike Moody

Chris Mulkey

Bill Pemberton

Jeremy Pate

David Schofield

Larry Stowe

Paul Sullivan

Mark Thornton

Our congregation of the Lord's church is overseen by the elders (1 Tim. 3:1-6; Tit. 1:6-9).  These men were appointed as elders because they exemplify the characteristics that are found in God's Word.  Our elders work hard to make sure that we are following God's Word in all we do and also look after the members and our needs.  Elders are often called "shepherds" in the Bible because their work and duties are similar to the work of a shepherd over sheep.  Our elders make sure we are fed spiritually, stay healthy spiritually, and encourage us to stay together as the flock of God.

David Allen

Tony Allen

David Baker

Derward Bird

Mark Davidson

Dwight Davis

Jeff Hatcher

Steve Hatcher

Jim Henry

Mark Hunt

Freddie Johnston

Bryan Jurkofsky

John Kachelman III

Mike Moody

Chris Mulkey

Bill Pemberton

Jeremy Pate

David Schofield

Larry Stowe

Paul Sullivan

Mark Thornton