Our church family loves to be together — whether it is to study God’s word, worship God, or enjoy times of fellowship together.  You won’t find perfect people at Dalraida, but you will find people who love one another and strive to follow our Lord.  We support and love each other as we struggle with the daily problems and discouragement of this world.  Our family wants to do what is right and we look for answers to all of life’s questions in God’s Word — the Bible.  Within its pages we find a guide for everything we do at home, school, work and in the church.  We may come from different backgrounds, have different skin colors, work in different jobs, or even have different levels of income, but we can all be united in Christ and share that love together.

Worship & Bible Study

We enjoy meeting on Sundays and Wednesdays for Bible study and worship. Worship should not be all we do as Christians, but these times are special because we can meet together, encourage one another, and study so we can better understand God’s word and answer life’s questions (2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 3:15). It is not just our Christian duty to meet on the first day of the week; it is our pleasure to worship God and study His word.


One of our goals is to teach the Word of God and the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone in our community and around the world.  We try to do this in different ways, including offering to have Bible studies or inviting our friends and neighbors to hear the sermons and lessons.  We take the command to teach others about Christ and what He did for us seriously.  We work hard around our community and even in other places around the world.  More About Mission Work

Fellowship & Edification

Living a Christian life is never easy in this world. We are constantly challenged and tempted to waiver in our faith and dedication to God.  Our church family experiences a fellowship that encourage us to stay strong in the midst of these daily challenges. We join together for Bible study, worship and other activities so we will remain strong in our dedication to both God and each other.  More About Fellowship Groups


We want to be kind and help those around us in our community and around the world.  Doing good to others is an important part of following Christ in life.  Jesus reached out to the poor, hungry and sick; he expects us to do the same.  We have a food pantry that is open on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am for those in our community who need a helping hand. We also have multiple programs for our members to work together in helping those around us.  Can We Help You?