Worship & Bible Study

The Dalraida congregation meets on Sunday and Wednesday for Bible study and worship. We want to study so we will be ready to understand God’s word and answer any questions (2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Peter 3:15). Not only is it our Christian duty to meet on the first day of the week and when our elders determine, it is our pleasure to worship God and study His word. Our Dalraida family meets together for bible classes regularly on Sundays and Wednesday.


One of the last commands that Christ gave before he left the earth was for His disciples to go into all the world and teach the gospel to all nations. Because of this command, we also take it seriously to teach others about Christ and what He did for us. It is our goal to teach the Word of God and the good news of Jesus Christ to all in our community. We work toward this goal by offering Bible classes, sermons, and special gospel meetings for our community to have this opportunity. We also have a broader approach and work to take the Gospel to the world in our many mission efforts.


Another aspect of Christian life is benevolence to those around us. This includes our families, friends and community. “Do good to all men” is an important part of following Christ in our life. He reached out to the poor, hungry and sick. He expects us to do the same. We have a food pantry and clothing closet that is open on Thursdays for those in our community who need a helping hand. We also have multiple programs for our members to work together in helping those around us.

Fellowship & Edification

Living a Christian life is never easy in the modern world. We are constantly challenged and tempted to waiver in our faith and dedication to God and His church. Those that are members of Dalraida experience a fellowship that encourages them to keep their faith strong in the midst of the challenges presented every day in the world. The commands in the New Testament to meet together and encourage each other are important for the welfare of the church body. We work hard to be together for Bible study, worship and other activities so we will remain strong in our dedication to both God and each other.

More About Our Dalraida Family